The software tools and utilities are:, and. The three specialized packages are:, and. These last two modules are required to determine electric interference levels along utility rights-of-way. Eatons CYMGRD software is a substation grounding grid design and analysis program specially developed to help engineers optimize the design of new grids. MultiFields+, MultiGround+ and MultiGroundZ+ include the MultilLines package, which consists of FCDIST, TRALIN and SPLITS engineering modules. MultiLines is ideal for computing line parameters (line constants) of most conductors, including complex buried and above ground pipe-type cables. The main packages are:, and.ĪutoGround and MultiGround are specialized for low frequency grounding / earthing analysis and design, while MultiFields is dedicated to frequency domain and transient grounding, electromagnetic interference and electromagnetic field computations. The complete CDEGS package is made of twelve integrated software packages: The complete CDEGS package is made of twelve main integrated software packages, three specialized packages and several software tools and utilities.

Inductive, conductive and capacitive interference in shared corridors. Earth Pressure Analysis Software LateralK 3.0.Cathodic protection analysis of complex buried networks.Load, fault & transient current distribution (in neutrals, shields, etc.).Line constants for overhead and buried conductors or complex pipe-enclosed cable arrangements.Grounding analysis: arbitrary soil structures any frequency & transients.application of a voltage to a reactor-resistance circuit. Soil resistivity analysis and soil structure interpretation. The latest publications can be downloaded from the Schneider Electric internet web site.

The CYMGRD software is a substation grounding grid design and analysis program specially developed to help engineers optimize. Also, I explained the fifth method of grounding design calculations: By using Online Earthing Calculators in Articles ' Grounding Design Calculations – Part Seven ' and ' Grounding Design Calculations – Part Eight '. Offers downloads, including some free software tools.